Band of 40m, Good Friends and Made in Home Rotary Dipole..

Hello, in this article I want to tell the trial operation and performance of the rotary dipole of 40m made by me.

We speak of 3 September 2015, when around 2 am turning to 
the VFO of my FT2000 in the band of 40m I focused my attention
on Roger ON7TQ attention and Beth MW0VOW they called CQ
DX, immediately noticed that the stations that were responded
to most US and WP4, but the thing that left me amazed is
that I listened to all, and with stable signals clean and strong. Among a QSO and the other I asked Beth if Roger and I could
stay with them to test my new antenna, with only the power of
my system (100W),because my amp is under construction, and
to my great satisfaction they was accepted without any problem,
so we started to grind QSO .. and in the time of an hour and a
half we had already logged about 50 more stations DX USA. A station R2 (Russia) who did not listen to my initially gave
confirmation of the 'efficiency of the' antennaand rotating the
antenna a few degrees are managed in QSO with a 5/5 signal,
confirming the good relationship Front Side of my creation. I must say that I would continue to infinity, but at 4:00
(local time) we decided to go to bed and QRT .. I wrote this little article to magnify the success of my project,
but I also want to thank Roger and Beth for the wonderful
night in good company and great fun .. Many Thanks.


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